Having a Pet in Tucson
Here at MVP Consulting Group, we are concerned about your pets and when deciding on the purchase of a home or creating an extension of your yard, your furry friends matter!!!

If you are relocating to Tucson with your pet, make sure to have:
- Health Certificate: Within 10 days of departure, your vet will need to issue a health certificate as required by all airlines. This certificate states that your pet is in good health and OK to fly.
- Rabies Tag (recommended): Most states require that dogs have a rabies tag stating they've been inoculated against the disease. Usually, your animal must have a rabies shot every three years. Again, check with your vet or the state regarding the regulations. Cats may need their rabies shot, too - it's up to the state.
Here are some safety tips:
- Once you have arrived, please allow your pet to adjust slowly to the new environment. The weather is probably hotter than what they're used to, and they will need to drink more water. Availability of water and well-placed shade are important for dogs here, with searing summer heat and potentially terrifying thunderstorms. Make sure your dog has access to the indoors during these times.
Some plants can be hazardous to your dog's health. Avoid pyracantha, oleander, some lantana, eucalyptus and sago palms, among others, and be cautious with placement of cactus and rosebushes. Even something as seemingly benign as mesquite bean pods can cause tummy troubles. Dogs find them very tasty, and they will eat and eat and eat. They won't understand about cactus, either. When we arrived in Tucson, my little Lulo started running around the backyard. In one minute, he could no longer run. I found him crying and he could not move because he had cactus spines stuck in all his paws. Another time, I saw him shaking his head and tongue like crazy. Cactus spines where in his mouth, tongue and palate. It was hell for him, and for me I had to extract them one by one from him.
- Does your home come with a pool?? Dogs need to be treated just like kids when it comes to a pool. If they like to swim, make sure you are there watching. Make sure to rinse your dog off with fresh water after a swim to remove chlorine, which can irritate skin and eyes.
- Remove woodpiles and shrubbery that can serve as breeding grounds for black widow spiders and scorpions.
- Beware of coyotes that can jump fences and predators from the sky, which can be fatal to smaller dogs. Consider rattlesnake- and Colorado-River-toad-avoidance training.
- There are many dog parks here in Tucson. Take time to bring them to these parks for some fun.